Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Crash Course in Human History

By Frank Waszut

It all started about about 13.82 Billion Years Ago. A ball of extremely hot and sense "something" rapidly expanded into a massive "something" that we now call the universe. First there was elementary particles zipping around like it was some techno disco have a good ole time until gravity and higgs bosons were like, "Hey, y'all need to slow the fuck down. NO! Not you neitrinos and photons, y'all carry on with your twerkin' and zipping around. We won't bother you, y'all are special." The other matter started to be giving mass from the Higgs field so that gravity could start forcing them to come together like the Brady Bunch. They started coming together and forming rocks and asteroids and stars and planets and moons and all sorts of awesome shit.

There was one planet (that we know of) in particular that wanted to be a "G" and a "B"  (Green and a Blue) Ball. It was really fancy in the fact that it was at just the right distance from just the right sun in just the right universe like it was Goldilocks. At first it was just a big ole ball of magma which eventually formed volcanoes which were like the earth's version pimples and herpes since some oozed out lava (like that gift that keeps on giving) while others shot it out (along with pyroclastic flows) like gigantic versions of those cysts being popped on youtube. If you haven't it seen them here is a video. Just imagine that the puss (white blood cells) is molten rock:

If you are done yacking up your cheerios then you have probably guessed the entire point is that earth's molten puss is pretty important to our existence. I bet you won't look at white heads the same way again but the important thing is that they were important for a lot of things especially CO2 which these volcanoes let out like gigantic streams of non stop farts, sometimes silent, sometimes loud, always deadly yet there wasn't anything to kill yet and what the fuck good is natural weapons of mass destruction without any shit to kill. Well luckily they helped to produce water and CO2. Well water might have been from comets; that part is still up for debate. This was very important for life that existed today especially for plants that fed off the CO2 and produced oxygen which led to an atmosphere which would be very hospitable to life as we know it since oxygen is important or some shit.

Eventually there were single celled organism that came from some primodial soup or asteroids and/or comets that carried amino acids which is basically the precursor to life which just needed a catalyst. In this case it was heat and luckily earth was plenty warm. These single celled organism started feel lonely after awhile despite the fact that there were plenty of other single celled organisms around. They felt empty inside, they were Jerry McGuire wanting to be complete except it wasn't proposing to to Rennee Zellwegger's butter face. So over time the single cells thought non stop about it until it heard itself through multiple generations and decided to complete itself by being a multicellular organism. These multicellular organisms swam around in our oceans until they were like, "Hey, let's make organs of more complex organisms that can swim around in these awesome oceans. These things swam around for awhile until they noticed this bring light above the water for hours at a time before it got pitch black again which sucked because the bigger fish loved to eat them when that bright light wasn't around since it was easier for the big fish to sneak up on them.

They thought and thought about getting closer to where this bright light was and eventually amphibians came on land since they had an advantage that they developed called lungs since gills really sucked for breathing air. Eventually some of these amphibians turned into really big reptiles which would later become famous in Steven Spielberg films. There were ones that ate plants and really aggressive ones that ate the ones that ate plants since they were on a paleo-friendly diet even though paleo-dieters weren't around yet. That's when one day a massive fireball showed up in the sky. It got bigger and bigger and these reptiles were like, "What the hell is that?" and then it was down goes Frazier. a 10 kilometer wide rock plowed into the Earth and showed the dinosaurs what's up; death by fire bitch.


Long story short the earth got hot for a bit while shit loads of pulverized rock got ejected into the sky which blocked out the sun which in turn made it really fucking cold since, you know, sunlight is kind of important to that whole warm weather thing. So it got really fucking cold which made glaciers really big and shit and one the animals to survive all this were mammals since their blood was warm, as opposed to those dumb ass reptiles, and they began to crawl the earth wondering what the hell was going on. Eventually some of them figured out how to walk on two feet since only dumb mammals would waste their lives walking on four feet which gave rise to kangaroos and monkeys. Yes, fucking monkeys, people love monkeys but hate to admit that they are related to them since it's like being related to that kid in grade school who would pick the inside of his ass and then sniff it to get googly eyes. I'll get to why in a little bit but first we have to get through monkeys.

Monkeys had a huge advantage of all other animals in the form of an opposable thumb which is very important when it comes to being able to pick shit up as well as flinging their own shit at other monkeys that try to cock block them when trying to get some monkey pussy. This will be a product of sexual selection which will become increasingly important and lead to a form of mating ritual by females to attract males called "twerking". Not monkeys though, they weren't there yet. That hadn't even figured out how to walk on two legs to use their more functional hands much less shaking their ass to turn a trick . Baby steps people, baby steps. That's how evolution works. Well that and a shit load of trial and error.

The monkeys started wondering what it would be like walking on two hands and they started praying to their monkey god or whatever and eventually there were monkey like animals that walked on two hands that grunted to communicate and looked somewhat like us except really hairy. These were the Neanderthals. They did the whole wondering what the hell is going on thing too while trying not to be eaten by saber toothed tigers or being made into road kill by wooly mammoths even though there weren't any roads yet. That is when one of them had an epiphany. They realized sabre toothed tigers liked meat, Neanderthal meat, and they had really sharp teeth and claws which helped the tigers eat said meat and that's when the Neanderthals had an epiphany on how to eat them:


Luckily there were plenty of sharp rocks around as well as sticks and vines to attach said sharp rocks to said sticks. They also figured how to make the sticks sharp with the sharp rocks. This eventually led to:

Some Neanderthal:"RUH RUH" (Neanderthal for: "Here tiger tiger tiger, come here boy.""

Some saber tooth tiger: (ROWR?) "Is that muthafucka actually looking for me? What an idiot. Oh well, free lunch."

The tiger charged with images of yummy Neanderthal meat dancing through its mind. Once close enough it leaped to get its free lunch and the Neanderthal set his spear:

Sabre tooth tiger: "Oh shit!"

The tiger was impaled and it realized that there is no such thing as a free lunch. It also died and that's when the Neanderthals realized they could be the top of this whole food chain thing. Fear subsided and was replaced by hunger. I mean who the fuck wants to eat grass when there is a perfectly delicious looking wooly mammoth with all that delicious meat standing right there just waiting to be slaughtered? The only problem is that they were pretty big and would require a lot of stabbing to take down. Luckily the Neanderthals had numbers and flanking tactics on their side which made short work of the those slow lumbering wooly mammoths. Which is great since I imagine wooly mammoth steaks would be delicious if cooked. Otherwise it would probably taste like what female Neanderthal vagina smelled like since soap and shaving hadn't come about yet. This obviously made the female Neanderthals bitch since they were too good for that meat and wanted it to taste better. They also bitched about how dark it was at night and how those creepy sabre tooth tigers had a habit of trying to sneak up on them like roided up ninjas when the sun wasn't out.

This led to many arguments and one Neanderthal was getting fed up with it and decided to grab some rocks and bash them together instead of bashing them on a female Neanderthal's head since you're not supposed to hit a hairy girl. So he bashed those fucking rocks wondering how to get that stupid fucking cunt to shut up; in Neanderthal talk it probably sounded like heightened growling and grunting. He kept bashing and bashing them until he saw a flash.

Neanderthal: "RRRUUUUU!!!" (Neanderthal for, "What was that?")

He started hitting the rocks again and saw another flash which gave him an idea so he decided to grab some dry grass and twigs to see if he could catch. Once he had a pile set aside he started to hit the rocks together again while hopefully getting the spark to land in the dried stuff mosh pit. Eventually it landed in the dry stuff and there was some crackling like rice krispies and then some smoke followed by a flame which is when the Neanderthal had another epiphany:

Neanderthal: "RRRRUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" (Neanderthal for: "YES!!! THAT"LL SHUT HER UP!!)

That's when the Neanderthal had another idea and went to grab some more of that wooly mammoth meat and threw it onto the fire. It started to do something to it and the Neanderthal tore off a piece of the meat. Lo and behold it made it taste better. This brought a huge cooked wooly mammoth eating grin to the Neanderthal's face as he carefully took the meat off of the fire since he realized that shit was hot. Then he took a piece of it to that bitchy hairy female Neanderthal who probably didn't even have good tits and she tried. She was enthused with euphoria at how much better it now tasted than she smelled down stairs and that is when the Neanderthal to show her the Yes that's a great name for it. It sounds so simple and majestic. Plus it keeps the sabre tooth tigers away at night. This eventually shut up the female Neanderthals for awhile as long as the guys kept on bringing the meat and making the fires because god forbid if a female Neanderthal had to kill something. That's not their preference.

Eventually the males wanted more for their efforts and the usual form of Neanderthal sex wasn't quite enough. They wanted blowjobs, oral stimulation if you will. The female Neanderthals weren't stupid and they wanted oral stimulation of their own. Fuck! The males weren't going to put their mouth on that and the females held the upper hand until they realized they wanted oral stimulation too. That's when they all started thinking about having less hair and over the course of generations there were Neanderthals that had less hair as well as being smarter. All of this happened in Africa and we had our first modern humans. And they were black, your hear that Protestants?

They were less hairy but still had shit loads of hair around their crotches; an obvious problem until one day one of these modern humans discovered how to combine animal fats with wood ashes and/or lye to create soap as well as discovering shaving and with this blow jobs and cunninglus were possible without yacking up animal carcasses and wheat. This led to lots of sex which led to lots of population growth since birth control was quite primitive and coat hangers hadn't been invented yet. Herpes was around but everyone just thought that it was a curse of the gods. That was another thing that started. Religion which inevitably led to sexism. Woman made valid points about how they should be treated equally and guys had no idea to counter it so their answer was always "God".

Primitive Male: "Honey, God said you are only good for being a cum dumpster, menial cook, and for cleaning my clothes. Now shut up before God makes me punch you in the face again."

Eventually women got wise and wanted proof of this so all the sexually frustrated guys had to get together and figure out an idea. They decided to come up with a story and not just any story, but a story involving a talking snake that lived in this garden called Eden. On top of that there was a naked man and a naked woman that were not aware of being naked whom were created from dust that was breathed into by "God". "God" had this forbidden tree. A tree that was special. A tree that was full of knowledge because apparently this male created "God" thought that humans weren't quite capable of figuring shit out even though they had figured out how to survive this long not to mention how to make the wheel, spears, fire, soap, and sex more hygienic while taking down wooly mammoths whom had gone extinct at this point. Most people are gullible, of course they will believe this shit.

Skeptical male: "A talking snake, really?"

Sexually frustrated male: "Have you ever seen a talking snake? Then how do you know one doesn't exist? Now shut the fuck up before we nail you to a criss crossed piece of wood and burn you while calling you a heretic. Stop being such a fucking cock block."

They talked some more and figured out the whole talking snake angle. They also figured that the naked chick would have one extra rib, from the naked guy so the chick would owe him for life, and that she would eventually eat from this forbidden tree after that cock blocking asshole snake talked her into it. Once she got talked into eating the fruit "God" will be angry and make them feel aware and ashamed of being naked and have to be mortal. The moral of the whole story will be that it was all a woman's fault and because of this they should do as a man asks and not ask questions or dissent in any way, shape, or form.

The guys all thought this was a lovely idea and there weren't any woman around to argue about it but then they realized that most woman would hold the whole death card over them and just hold out on the sex forever. That's when the males put their heads together again and figure out how could get around this. That's when of them had a brilliant idea of manipulative ingenuity.

Male: "How about another male with really that gives us a second chance? Like there could be this totally awesome place that women can go to if they do as they ask which we will call Heaven and this toally awful place where woman that don't do as we ask go to called hell? All they would have to do is follow this really nice guy's advice and he'll even die via crucifixion by the hand of Roman soldiers. I mean woman love sappy stories like that. They'll totally buy into it."

Other male: "That's fucking brilliant. What should we name him?"

Male: "Jesus H. Christ! I don't know."

Other male: "That's perfect and the H can stand for horny seeing as we are all horny as shit and sexually frustrated."

They also decided to put this whole story into a book and make it sound cryptic as shit with vague references to natural disasters and stuff, all the work of "God", to make it sound official because damnit "God" is fucking official. It was perfect, a story that sounded like an omnipotent science fiction story veiled as a self help guide that could shoot down any woman's attempt for equality since communications were quite limited back then. This story spread like wild fire especially since humans at this time loved to walk long distances to see what they could find. One day one of these white people met a darker skinned fellow on his travels and they began to shoot the shit. That's when they got to their story about "God". Well the darker skinned fellow called it "Allah".

After hearing each other's story they laughed about how similar they were in there overtly sexist overtones and decided they would head back to their respective homies to tell them about what they heard. As the white man got back he told them about it and of course, sensing the implications if word got out, they decided to have him crucifed and burned immediately. As the darker skinned fellow got back he told his fellow darker skinned fellows and told them the same thing which resulted in him being killed in order to silence him while calling him an infidel. That's when both sides realized this would be a major threat to their sex lives since if men couldn't agree on what this "God" is then maybe the females would realize the entire story was bullshit. That would not bode well for the bottom line between their legs. They decided they either had to kill them or make them agree that their story is "the truth". The darker skinned fellows agreed to do the same to the white people while the yellow skinned people minded their own business while focusing on math and their own issues. This all culminated in the Crusades which the white people called for the glory of their "God" in reality it was nothing more than to keep their white pussy pumping out white babies. while the darker skinned fellows wanted that white pussy since they wanted the white pussy to pump out beige babies. Eventually everyone decided that the pussy wasn't worth it that much since both sides had plenty of it and they had better shit to do.

That's when the white people decided to spend years fighting amongst themselves over which view of their "God" was best since god had become quite synonymous with their cocks at this point but admitting so would be blasphemous since cocks and cunts were considered sacred tools for making more white people. This went on until around the 1930's when there was this country called Germany and they had gotten scientific about what the perfect white person should be which was based off work by other white businessmen and eugenicists in the United States whom forced sterilization and abortions on non white people because white had to be kept white damnit. White people don't want any of that beige shit coming out of their white pussies and nothing coming out of the non white pussies. Germany had this peculiar fellow, his name was Hitler, Adolf Hitler who decided that the perfect white people should not have big noses, be disabled, have sex with someone of their own gender (because how the fuck are you going to make perfect white people with that?), travel around in herds, or be of Polish, Russian, or Czech descent. He received shit loads of funding from these US businessmen, since they wanted perfect white people too, and Hitler decided he had a solution. Not just any solution, a "Final" one. Why did he call it "Final". It's because "Final" sounds official and it officially killed around 12 million people in a systematic fashion since anything that is official has to be systematic too.

Eventually the one group of the yellow people, well they were more of a pale yellow, decided that the white people in this country were acting very dishonorably towards them which went against their ideologies of Bushido and Shinto. This country was called Japan and despite not being that big in size they had a shit load of fight in them to the point that their pilots that would load their planes with bombs and crash them into ships voluntarily.  They decided to attack a US military base in Hawaii called Pearl Harbor which the President of the US at the time, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, knew was coming be he also know about how Hitler felt about people in wheel chairs and since he had to spend a lot of time in one himself he saw an attack on Pearl Harbor as an excuse to show how big of a can of whoop ass that a guy in a wheel chair can open; so he let it happen. This led to the U.S. entering the war which at the same time cut off Hitler's funds after Hitler declared war on the US which would be the beginning of the end for Mr. Adolf. Hitler might be stubborn but not as stubborn as a pissed of man in a wheel chair that had the help of stubborn drunk Englishman by the name of Winston whom on numerous occasions said that Hitler and the Nazi's could suck his bullocks which is British slang for testicles.

Eventually the Nazi's fell and the focus of the white people was squared directly on those stubborn pale yellow people and those fuckers wouldn't quit. The white people fought them and fought them but they just wouldn't lay down. They'd rather die. Luckily, a German-born physicist who had decided it would be much better to live in the US after Mr. Adolf went...well...Adolf wrote a letter to Mr. Roosevelt to tell him that Adolf's minions, the really fucking smart ones, were researching a new type of bomb that could really fuck some shit up on a massive scale. Roosevelt figured since this guy had formulated the theory of relativity, kind of shows how fast humans were at figuring shit out, Roosevelt figured it would be a good idea to take his advice and start stockpiling on shit loads of uranium and recently discovered plutonium. Eventually they figured out a little process called nuclear fission, the splitting of atoms, which released shit loads of energy that could make said bomb that could fuck shit up by vaporizing everything close to its blast radius, leveling all structures near it, and of course good ole nuclear fallout that would cause all sorts of cancer as well as deformed babies that look like something out of a horror movie. The tests were successful and but Mr. Roosevelt died which led to a man by the name of Harry Truman to call the shots and he decided to drop the bombs on those stubborn yellow people while singing yankee doodle dandy.

We dropped the bombs on two cities called Hiroshima and Nagasaki which led to those that weren't instantly vaporized to wonder, "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!?!" The leaders of the pale yellow people decided it might be a good idea to stop bothering the other yellower people and agree to stop fighting with the white people because they had really powerful fucking bomb now. Here's a video of white people using them in the following years like they are M80s:

Yeah, like M80's because how could that possibly go wrong? Well one of those ways is that two of the main countries full of white people, the biggest ones geographically speaking, decided to start talking shit over ideologies. In one corner was the "good ole" USA and on other side was the Soviet Union which were looked at as the "Red Devils". Both sides preached their ideologies while being equally full of shit. The people in the United States lived in fear of dying in a nuclear holocaust while the people of the Soviet Union lived in fear of starving to death. Then one day the Soviets had an idea involving this island nation, filled with brown people, called Cuba. The Soviet Union offered to put missiles there armed with nuclear warheads there protect them from the white people 90 miles off their coast and they agreed since they were still pissed off with Franklin Roosevelt's distant cousin, Teddy, whom kind of beat the crap out of their Spanish buddies half a century prior. Once again, white people using brown people to scare other white people. Now white people were being prejudicial based on language and ideology. The warmongers in the US were like, "WHAT? THEY CAN'T PUT NUKES BY BROWN PEOPLE EVEN THOUGH WE ALREADY DID THE SAME THING IN TURKEY!!!!"

A big showdown was looming that was threatening to turn the world into a nuclear landfill but luckily there was this fellow of Irish descent whom came from a family of bootleggers by the name of John, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Unlike most involved in this issue Kennedy was a voice of reason since he kind of saw the lack of logic in blowing up the entire planet and eventually helped to deescalate the entire issue which didn't sit well with the warmongers especially since Kennedy wasn't the one paying them. That one rolling that paycheck was the Federal Reserve whom along with their other international banking buddies had turned this whole business of bombing brown, yellow, and not white enough into a very lucrative---well---business. Kennedy was a person that could seriously hurt that especially with the prospect of a looming war with a country filled with yellow people called Vietnam. Most think his stance on wanting to end the US involvement would be his downfall but he would only be part right.

There was another issue that was what truly led to the shit hitting the fan or in this case the bullet through his head since he decided to ride around on a sunny day in Dallas, Texas with the top down. He signed an executive order which would have crippled the major corporate businessmen and bankers of this country by allowing it to print notes that was backed by silver while the businessman's was only backed by the faith of the people in notes that said "In God We Trust." Yep, there's that fucking "God" thing again. Obviously those businessmen realized how much pussy it would cost them because at this point most females had been so brainwashed that the only thing that could shut them up was money and shit loads of it. Ever since that day it's been a non-stop cycle of white people using brown people to make money and now the brown people are starting to catch onto this and now even the president is beige and the white people are now bitching more than ever. Most men now are even bitching more than the females and that's basically where we are at. Now we even have white women that are "twerking" which would just be another on a long list of things that white people take from brown or less than white people to make their own without the rhythm, or the curves.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Living like a Superhero

By Frank Waszut

Humans are peculiar creatures. They are mammals; descendants of apes and many won't admit to it. They are the top of Earth's food chain. They have achieved much in their short time that they have existed. They created fire, discovered electricity, and split the atom. They have achieved feats that they once placed at the feet of their gods but now can call their own. They are a species capable of great things and great atrocity. This is why they are so important for our universe and all who lie in it. The key to the survival or extinction of it's inhabitants lies with them and them alone. No matter how much potential they have to use their power or succumb to their gravity lies with them and sooner or later they will have to make that choice.

Many of them do not realize it. They suffer of strife and conflict that makes them seek out to kill one another at the behest of their elders. Many are brainwashed into thinking this power does not lay with them but with Gods. This is what leaves them vulnerable to the seduction of the villainous and the tyrannical; they want answers that will numb away their fears. This has the ability to turn them into weapons themselves if they fall under the influence of malicious will. Many of these kinds of individuals have already led them, playing off of their ego to misguide their sense of empathy, into discriminating sections of their species and going along with mass murder and genocide. They learn lessons from their acts very slowly. Some of their brightest have called it evolution yet they see it as an excuse to stay bound in the shackles of dogma. Some are so bound by them that they don't notice them anymore. They actually find comfort in them even if they are being strangled.

They do have another side though. They have shown immense acts of good even when threatened with persecution and annihilation against seemingly insurmountable odds. Many have given their lives in order to protect the soul of their species even it has had its moments wallowing in the shadows and dancing with evil. They are still hear though because that have a remarkable ability in being able to write their own destiny. In essence they have the ability to become gods themselves because they have all the necessary tools to do it with. They have the power and all they must learn to do is to not give it up for anyone. They need not depend on others to do what they can, especially to the illusory. They may be the only ones that can find or create some particle of truth. The question is whether or not they will.

Stupid old people...

By Frank Waszut

There is a lot of shit that annoys me. Much of it I covered in my rant called "Pet Peeves". Many of those people I can somewhat excuse from being on the receiving end of a combat knife to the throat. I mean you can't blame a sheep that hasn't experienced the loss of a loved one from the wolves of our reality. The only suffering they have experienced is their dad not buying them stock options or a car that isn't worth six figures. I was somewhat spoiled myself as a child. My dad would take me to Toys 'R' Us when I got good grades. He would pay for my meals even when I reached my twenties and doing the whole MMA thing since he saw how broke the life of a fighter can be. In a way he spoiled me more than the rich kids that would bitch at him about their cars being towed even though they were in the wrong for parking where they didn't belong. Yes they might be little rich fascists in training but you have to take into account their parenting. It's not like they have had the proper nurturing that promotes a sense altruism. I was spoiled in that concept as I witnessed my dad perform acts of it everyday. It is particularly blood boiling when its one group of people. A certain group of people; crotchety old people. You know who they are.

They tell you how things were back in there day in an ignorant manner that makes you relieved that you learned of the existence of the theory of evolution. I could totally go off on an anti-religious rant but I'm trying to be more of a gentleman now a days since I quit drinking. Maybe there is something to the whole karma thing. I try to go along with the whole respect my elders concept merely for the fact that I'm pretty certain that delivering an elbow to their face might get me a manslaughter charge since their bodies have deteriorated to the point that they should be labeled as fragile. They know this and they take advantage. They know they are taking advantage just because of all the clichĂ©d faux philosophical statements especially those in regards to wisdom coming with age. The young adults of today need to realize a truth in something about their grand parents and great grand parents.

THEY WERE NOT SPECIAL!! They more than likely got all C's in high school. They probably did drugs, shit loads of them. They probably cheated on their spouses, stole money, got caught in lies, were hypocritical, condescending to those they felt superior to and more than likely just outright full of shit to themselves and others. As a result they have had 60+ years to build up a bubble of cognitive dissonance around their psyche that allows them to preach their bullshit while hiding behind the frailty of their bodies. That's another thing if they are in such bad shape without any genetic predispositions to mitochondrial based diseases then that's another sign. It is not an excuse since many of those things can be prevented by taking care of yourself earlier in life. If you are 70 years old and walking around with a crutch then maybe you shouldn't be giving me advice on health and exercise. If you complain about hip hop sounding like nonsense without being able to critique it based on its artistic merit then maybe you shouldn't be giving out advice on racial equality with the whole separate but equal argument. Maybe you should also shut the fuck up about how people shouldn't mate outside of their race especially when given the fact that genetic diversity has been the key to surviving such pandemics as the Bubonic Plague and Spanish Influenza.

I was working security at a local downtown bar (Big Johns) that has been around since 1957. Many of these crotchety old people were just like the spoiled ignorant rich kids of today. This one old lady didn't understand that she couldn't leave the bar with a half full drink due to the City of Charleston having laws against walking down the street with open containers. She decided that instead of understanding what I was saying that she would smack me in the face instead like I was some 5 year old kid and I was left with the seething urge to kick her in the head like Anderson Silva. I'm a nice guy though and I realized she was going to die soon and time had already been more vicous to her judging by her liver spots. I mean she was acting exactly like sorostitute with a debutant world view.

That brings me to a point. Where do you think the rich kids learned to act the way they do? It's the result of ignorance nurturing ignorance and as these people get older they get an illusory pedestal of being wise. Listen here; Ghandi was wise. John F. Kennedy was wise. Martin Luther King Jr. was wise (albeit a plagiarist). Nelson Mandela was wise. Oskar Schindler was wise due to the lives he saved during the Holocaust. Trey Parker and Matt Stone are wise for pointing out the absurdities of our society. George Carlin was wise for the same thing as well as Bill Hicks, Richard Pryor, and Chris Rock. Michio Kaku is wise for realizing that sooner or later we will either get outside the box of our universe or go extinct as a result of short sightedness. They viewed humanity as a living being in of itself and that unity must come as a result peace that doesn't stem from false pretenses. That is the only way it can truly function. Any other method would be futile.

Unless your grandparents share similar sentiments then maybe you would do them a service of telling them to shut the fuck up and die with whatever little grace and dignity that they have left. If they actually do have some humanitarian wisdom to share then you might be one of the lucky ones that don't come off like the other pretentious dumb cunts of society. You're one of the lucky ones that were raised by someone wise like my father who treated people as human beings despite their labels. If so then maybe you aren't so offended by what I have said so far and you are still reading. The point is that if you are listening to some crotchety old fuck that is saying something that doesn't sit well with your humanity then maybe you shouldn't pay them any mind. Experience is a good teacher but only if you actually pay attention and read in between the lines.

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Monster within...

By Frank Waszut

I have mentioned a few times on here about how I am a psychopath but have never really divulged what it is like to live the life of one. Especially one that has experienced trauma in their life. The thing is people like me weren't always called psychopaths. We use to be called Gladiators, Spartans, Samurai, etc. Now similar actions get us called genocidal, tyrants, mass murderers, and serial killers when we get fed up with the hypocrisy of a civil society. A society where we are expected to act a certain way, to put up a front, to put up with unqualified criticism, to deal with sheep that wish they could be us. Sheep that in ancient times were slaves, were cattle, were killed by people like us as a rite of passage into manhood. Now we are forced to live with and under what we view as miscreants of society that taint the blood lines. We have seen these sheep try to follow our ways to cleanse blood lines and always cleanse the wrong ones. In our minds those doing the cleansing are the ones that need to be cleansed and we think about it all the time.

You wouldn't think of us as that though based on first glance. Some of you may think of us as friendly and charming. You probably would think of us as nice people, smart people, quiet people. You may find us funny and slightly odd; peculiar and intriguing. You might even say mysterious. This is nothing more than a ploy to gain your trust, to let down your guard, to leave yourself vulnerable. To make it where we can be the most efficient if we deem that extreme measures are necessary. In your mind people like us are only urban legends; something you'd see in your nightmares. People you never thought you would come across but we are everywhere. We are always paying attention even when you don't think you are. Your vulnerabilities are quickly perceived and promptly categorized. We are cunning and analytical creatures that have already formulated a game plan before we even shake your hand or speak a word. Your body language to us is like an open book.

We are animals that know we are animals. Other animals like us and trust us since they are in tune with nature's laws as opposed to your laws. You may think you are the top of the food chain but we just know that you are scared of a fair fight and use your laws to balance the odds in your favor. We know how to use that crutch to beat you at your own game. At times we thirst for your blood, especially when you're hypocrisy shows and you hide behind your fairy tales. When we thirst for your blood we become nicer. We may even hold doors for you or let you cut ahead of us in line. You think it's because we are nice. We do it because it makes it easier to come from behind to get to your throat or too your lungs or your heart. We may be nice to lure you into secluded places where wandering eyes wouldn't look because most sheep don't want to look into the darkness  because it's frightening. To us we are use to it and it is comforting. We don't fear the monsters as monsters are nothing more than competition at most since we are monsters ourselves.

Some of us get abused by society to where these monsters that come out. The names you identify with us no longer have meaning to our being because we know who we truly are. We draw blood and we like it. It excites us while giving us meaning and purpose. The sheep begin to look like trophies in the making. We begin taking scores. Some us are crafty enough to charm other sheep into doing our bidding. We learn to kill by diplomacy and develop a following. We get the masses to cheer our triumphs. We gain the ability to sway entire sovereignties to praise us while they look the other way while not even asking a question of our judgment. You look upon us as heroes and saviors. Sometimes even as Gods. In reality we are no different in anything more than our capacity to justify our ends with our minds without it weighing on our conscious. We see malice as justifiable and the only reason a sheep is allowed to leave our presence with its life is because we allow it. Any chance meeting with us is a dance with the devil; if we are the type that has undergone significant trauma. There is another side to us.

Some of us have felt love and care. Some of us have seen that you are capable of being great and having a use. We can logically justify you continuing to have a pulse. You need not fear us since you are a benefit to our species and our reality. You get to know us better than most and you are the ones that help us keep the monster at bay. You get to see the softer, caring side of us. The loving parent, the committed partner, the one you can always rely on. Someone that seemingly knows when you are in need and there to lend a helping hand. You show us that life is worth preserving and contributing to. You make us into artists, scientists, philosophers, mathematicians, writers, poets, firefighters, mechanics, and architects.

In the end how we are remembered is by how we are treated by the sheep. Either way we are the wolves. We are the ones that are not afraid of blood. We are the ones that can look upon death without blinking. It's what we were born with and is in our hard wiring. It's our subconscious. It's primal and brutal at times. We are the ones that know the value of a life and whether it is winning lottery ticket or one that is better for nothing more than fertilizer. The pressure you put on us determines whether or not we are remembered as diamonds or as coal. Just remember that we don't care what side of history we fall on. We just care about putting the right foot in front of the left until nature decides to take its course because we understand the justice of nature is the only one that is truly blind. We are always paying attention and we never forget; but if you treat us well we can learn to forgive.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

An Ocean of Thought

I posted recently on my theory that black holes are elementary particles of gravity called gravitions and our perceptions are source of the illusory contradictions between general relativity and quantum mechanics while also explaining the validity of string theory and the holographic principle. Then I got to thinking that if a black hole is a particle then it must be string with it's surface being the end point of our relative probabilistic illusory 3 dimensional reality surrounded by a 2 dimensional deterministic surface. Then I really got to thinking that a black hole is the end point of a graviton string then maybe our universe is the graviton string while everything in it is its quarks, leptons, bosons, but on our perceived macroscopic scales they appear to us as matter which would explain why gravity is so weak in microscopic domains since in that realm probability rules.

Intelligent life can be viewed as elementary particles, particles capable of observing themselves thus giving them a determined position relative to other ripples on the strings of space-time (Higgs Field); sentient particles if you will. Since we are composed of vibrating strings going to the tune of gravity, at least in our box that is our universe, we are only aware of symphonies that we can only be sensed on the frequencies that are noticeable out of evolutionary necessity. That's why we have the senses that we do along with perceptions of the illusory concepts of "big and small", "fast and slow", "heavy or light", and "dense or porous". It's like they say in judicial system, perception is everything. More precisely it's our perceptions of what we presume to be everything. This is neither good or bad nor is it black and white. Both are the results of interpreting our reality governed by gravity. When you truly think about it, gravity is the ultimate puppet master and magician. It makes it possible for us to be here, can destroy us at any time, and gives the illusion of our material macroscopic world. It is a galactic Houdini.

But here is a question; if gravity is also a particle and thus a string then what is striking it? Every string must be struck to conduct a symphony. Why should gravity be an exception? This got me to thinking of what could govern gravity. That's when I realized how much gravity has irritated me at times throughout my life. All can relate to this. Something falls, something breaks, it doesn't sit well with us. However that's as far as gravity goes; the impact, the contact, the inevitable result of the fall and crash. We get frustrated and complain yet the answer to it is simple. We pick it up; put it back together. It has an origin and governance too. One that is aware of strings; a thought. Or maybe it's thoughts. Thoughts that are floating these strings of gravity in which we are contained. Strings that could be infinite floating on an endless, never ending ocean of thought that has always been there. Maybe it's an ocean that thought of gravity itself in order to test it's ideas. An idea that it left for sentient quarks to translate; maybe that's what free will is. Maybe that's what the source of our problems as a species. Maybe the information for our survival is right in front of us but we take it too literally before translating it properly and accurately. Just a thought.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Black Holes: My Idea

By Frank Waszut

If you have only been reading this blog you may have drawn the conclusion that I'm an acute narcissist with psychopathic tendencies that can be somewhat of a womanizer at times. You've probably read my rants and stories about imbibing mass quantities of alcohol, hooking up with various women, bar fights, turning churches into gay bars, how America is a fascist police state, the rampant closet racism that still goes on, etc. What you may not know is that I have another passion which is theoretical physics especially in regards to black holes. For many of you the knowledge you have of black holes might only come from science fiction movies which believe is not a bad introduction into the realm of physics and cosmology. While science fiction might make some gross approximations at times it does encourage people to think critically of their reality which is the goal of all empirical schools of thought.

While most will allow their inquiry to end their I am way more curious than that and have become absolutely fascinated with the human endeavor of trying to understand what most say cannot be understood and one of the biggest mysteries in our reality are black holes. For those that need an understanding of what we know of them as of now, black holes are basically immensely dense objects that cause what could be looked at as a whirl pool in the space-time fabric if you can look at space-time as one massive galactic ocean. The pull of their gravity is so strong that nothing can escape from one once it's event horizon; not even photons or light as it is commonly called which makes observing them or taking measurements of them quite an arduous, and some would say improbable, task. The reason for that is any attempt at measuring the contents of a black hole wouldn't yield any results since there would be a way to extract that information; that's the common consensus anyway.

There is another possibility. One that popped in my head while reading an article of Scientific American on the subject of the nature of black holes. Something jumped out at me when it was stated that black holes can only be observed indirectly via their mass, spin, and charge since technically making a direct observation is improbable since they do not allow visible light to escape as well as any other information. I'm sure some of you maybe asking yourself this. Why make such a big deal about measuring what's in a black hole when there is no way of doing so? The answer is quantum gravity as well as finding the existence of a particle of gravity called a graviton which the existence of is purely theoretical at this point since there is no experimental evidence of it. However, I think I might have come up with an answer and it's answer that has been staring us in the face this whole time and goes off of my understanding of relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory, and the holographic principle.

This whole quandary about black holes started with Einstein's theory of  special relativity in 1905 which postulated the existence of black holes. Einstein viewed the that matter of our universe "floating" on an invisible ocean of space and time which he viewed as space time. This theory led to his famous equation that postulated that energy is equal to mass times the speed of light squared. In other words, mass and energy in the same thing. This also meant that space and time are relative to our location. This built of of Sir Isaac Newtons work on the subject of gravity and Einstein saw all matter as being able to cause dips in the space-time fabric or ocean if your will. He theorized that there would be objects so massive and dense that they would form dips in the space-time fabric that gravity would be so strong to the point that not even light could escape and since all matter is the result of absorbing and reflecting photons then such matter wouldn't be able to escape either given the fact that matter is limited by the speed of light or photons if you will and not even photons would be able to escape their pull. Einstein saw the universe as static and unchanging. Many that know about quantum physics and cosmological inflation might go on and on about how he was wrong but this is the wrong train of thought. Since the time of Einstein's passing the study of physics has evolved and many physicists have access to tools that can yield measurements that weren't available to Einstein during his time. During his last days Einstein spent his time working on grand unification theory that could rectify his theories on the nature of reality with another theory (Quantum Mechanics) due to his equations breaking down at a black hole.

Quantum Mechanics was a burgeoning theory towards the end of Einstein's life and started with Planck's Law which was devised by Max Planck by taking into account Ludwig Boltzmann's statistical interpretation of thermodynamics to explain his hypothesis on how energy is radiated and absorbed in discrete "quanta" "or "energy elements".  Others instrumental in this field of study were Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Louis de Broglie, Arthur Compton, Albert Einstein (as before mentioned), Erwin Schrödinger, Max Born, John von Neumann, Paul Dirac, Enrico Fermi, Wolfgang Pauli, Max von Laue, Freeman Dyson, David Hilbert, Wilhelm Wien, Satyendra Nath Bose, Arnold Sommerfeld and you can click on their names to go their individual Wikipedia pages and I highly suggest doing so. Even though Einstein had a part in developing quantum mechanics he was deeply troubled by it because it went against his relativistic and deterministic view of reality. In order to understand this one must understand what quantum mechanics entails first and where it takes place, or where we commonly see it taking place.

Quantum Mechanics takes place in the microscopic realm of reality, think bacteria by smaller by many many orders of magnitude. These are realms where gravity is very weak to non-existent. At this realm all matter is made up of elementary particles (quarks, leptons, bosons, and composite particles such as atoms and molecules). The thing about elementary particles is that exhibit both wave and particle properties which would become called wave-particle duality and central part of quantuim mechanics. With out the influence of gravity particles do many things that defy deterministic logic. They can be in multiple and all places at once (quantum superposition) and only their momentum or postion can be measure with any amount of certainty (Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle). If you measure it's speed to a degree of certainty then you lose certainty of its position and vice versa. In other words Quantum Mechanics was saying that reality is not deterministic is actually probabilistic in nature. Einstein responded to this assertion by stating that, "My God does not play dice." This is what set Einstein off on his quest to unify relativity and quantum mechanics into a simple framework that could explain the nature of both seemingly contradictory realms but unfortunately like I said before Einstein died before such a desire was achieved and the physics world was left with a quandary.

I mean how could nature appear to be both probabilistic from one perspective and deterministic from another? This did not make sense and every equation to rectify this dilemma has ended in infinity or a singularity which to put in layman's terms means that they didn't know. This is very troubling or as another esteemed theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku, put it, "It means that the Universe is smarter than we are". Being that humanity is egocentric in nature. We could accept that we aren't the center of the universe and only composed an incredibly minute part of it but the fact that even our brightest minds couldn't figure out it's nature is what could be labeled as traumatizing. It seemed as thought our cognition had hit a dead end and we would be at the mercy of reality's logic for the foreseeable future. We would be slaves to a reality that could throw curveballs that pass through bats without even being affected by the wood. At least that was the perception but the thing about intuition and consciousness is that it is very stubborn. It is both our greatest strength and weakness. In the respect for empirical inquiry our brightest minds were far from done.

The focus of this inquiry shifted directly at black holes because the answer for unification would likely be in them (or on one; I'll explain that one in second). There was huge debate between experts on the study of black holes or more specifically what happens to information that falls into one (I.e. all known and unknown matter being information). The three physicists involved in this debate were Stephen Hawking, Leonard Susskind, and Gerard't Hooft. Hawking postulated that once information enters a black hole it is lost forever; Susskind and Hooft disagreed. This would to a decades long debate of what became known as the Information Loss Paradox since a commonly held assumption of science is that information is never lost or destroyed and can only be transformed. This debate eventually led to two theories that would help to rectify the perceived contradictions between probabilistic and deterministic point of views.

First up is string theory which Susskind is considered one of the fathers of. It posits that elementary particles are not point like but in reality are strings their quantum nature is the result these strings vibrating like strings on a guitar when struck and our reality is the symphony of these strings. It has become a candidate for a grand unified theory since it accounts for both the deterministic and probabilistic nature of our universe since the exact location and speed of these strings can only be deduced to probabilities but the ends of them can be talked about in a determinist sense. This raised the question of what is at the end of these strings? What keeps the strings tight and bound? The theoretical answer to this has been quantum gravity or more specifically an elementary particle of gravity called a graviton that is yet to be discovered or even proven to exists. Just keep that though in mind as I continue into the next theory that was born from the debate on information loss; the holographic principle.

The holographic principle states that our universe can be looked upon as a 2 dimensional structure of information painted on our cosmological horizon and appears to be three dimensional from the macroscopic perspective. In other words the way that we perceive our reality is an illusion projection from a 2 dimensional plane outside of space-time. To put it into even a simpler sense our reality is like the hologram of Princess Leah being projected out from an R2-D2. This theory along with String Theory was enough to get Stephen Hawking to admit that he was wrong.

According to these theories when information goes into a black hole it is encoded on its surface and everything that can be known about the black hole's contents can be construed from its surface since the amount of information in the three dimensional volume of a black hole can't exceed the amount on it's two dimensional surface and the math backs it up so if you were to watch something or someone (hopefully it's a person that you wouldn't to see ever again) the last thing you would see of them as they passed the even horizon (the point of no return) would be there two dimensional image before it was condensed down to a non-visible Planck scale. To understand that if a Planck Scale were on a proton and you expanded that proton to the size of the visible universe (41.7 Billion light years in diameter) then it would be approximately the size of a tree. Some would argue that information would be destroyed once it hit the black hole's singularity but lately Susskind and Juan Maldecena (whom was also instrumental in the advent of the Holographic principle) have instead hypothesized that this singularity is nothing more than a wormhole as well as the physical presentation of quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement states that two particles born from a singularity are perpetually connected regardless of distance and can communicate at speeds faster than light which in this case means they communicate instantaneously, even if they were separated by light years (the amount of distance it takes for photons to travel within a year). In other words it would mean, if proven, that our universe is entangled with other universes just like elementary particles or that our universe itself is a particle. The question is what would this particle be and that is where my idea for idea for what a black hole is might be an answer.

There is an old saying that the easiest place to hide something is in plain sight because the obvious places are the last place that one would look. That is how misdirection and illusions work, it is source of the magician's bread. We are use to finding elementary particles on microscopic scales where gravity is weakest. The problem is that our brightest have been searching for gravitons in a realm where gravity is close to non-existent and very faint at best. It's like looking for water molecules in a rock in the desert. Here's another thing black holes and elementary particles can only be measured by their mass, spin, and charge. Black holes are MASSIVE objects that are also incredibly dense. Like has been said before light can't even escape from them. Yet it can only be described in the same terms that we describe objects on microscopic scales. What if a black hole was the particle of gravity that we have been looking for this entire time that has been staring us back in the face, "saying he look at me"? It makes even more sense due to the fact that black holes can't be directly observed, we can only observe the effects they have on matter. This is same train of thought that led to the discovery of the Higgs Boson (particle of space-time) since we could only observe the effects that particle collisions at the LHC (Lardge Hadron Collider) have on it. Why couldn't a similar particle be observable on macroscopic scales where gravity is stronger or where gravity is the strongest; a black hole?

Maybe the matter of our universe are strung by the particle that is graviton which could be a string itself. Maybe the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics are not in conflict at all. We just perceive it that way since we are overlooking something and when do and don't have an answer we as a species have conflict over what the answer could be. This is just my idea and I could be wrong or right but it's definitely one I will elaborate on in the future.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Gender Equality

By Frank Waszut

I'm a nice guy with psychopathic tendencies that has never hit a woman in my life. I don't hit them mostly due to the fact that I was raised not to by my parent. Also due to the fact that the last thing I need to deal with is explaining to a cop why some dumb bitch has two black eyes due to the fact that she doesn't understand the concept of me only being interested in her for her body and how she doesn't have any legal right to go snooping on my cell phone. Let's be honest guys; most women aren't worth the energy expenditure of a right hook to the temple no matter how much they ask for it. Besides if a woman pisses me off that bad I just write a story about one of my sexual encounters with them and post them on this blog with any topless pictures they have sent me. It's totally legal to shame them without giving away their identity but illegal to nail them in the liver with a round house kick so that they can catch their breath and contemplate why cock blocking is such a cunt move. Yet they want equal rights, equal pay, and paid maternity leave.

That's the society we live in today; one where women have a stronger voice due to the 19th Amendment which gave them the right to vote or I should say where women got something else from men to get them to shut the fuck up since we'd all like to get a steak, a blow job, and some silence at some point so we can watch re runs of Archer. As a result we now have women that preach their ideologies with the most notable one being sexism feminism. If you listen to one of these stupid cunts without knowing they are a feminist then you would think that they suffered from low self-esteem, turrets syndrome, acute narcissism, and a diet that consisted most of lead based paint chips. The preach about women being victimized by society while acting like victims themselves since all they do is preach with little to no practice of their ideas. They want respect from men but they want it to be given to them. Just like how the German people wanted an answer in the economic downturn in the years preceding World War II and along came Hitler to give them one.

Now this might seem cruel comparing feminists to Nazi's but then again the truth always is. Anyone that claims that one sect of humanity is superior to another and thus should be treated that way is prejudice plain and simple. They just want a thousand year tampon soaked reich just like the Nazi's did with the only difference being the Aryans being the master race, feminists want women to be the master gender when in reality they already are in a way since biologically speaking they hold the keys to humanity's survival in between their legs and most don't even know how to go about using this simple fact to their advantage or why it drives men to practice of using the faces of women as focus mitts. Deep down a lot of these women like it because at least they are still getting attention while being able to justify their hubris of playing the "damsel in distress" role which in reality is nothing more than thinking and acting like a victim. This isn't all women though which is the entire point of me writing this article in the first place.

I have had sex, been friends, had relationships, and been cheated on by women ever since I lost my virginity at the age of 19. I have been a variety of them and honestly I love them and love having sex with them; I'm a heterosexual male so that's par for the course. I have also have come to the aid of many women playing the damsel in distress role and have beaten the tar out of guys that I have witnessed abusing women in a violent manner. On the flip side I have been hit by women for illogical reasons and furthermore I have been lucky enough to have slept with women that could beat the ever living tar out of most guys and that's not an exaggeration. There was one woman in particular on here that has been the subject of many of my stories that went to jail before due to being charged with assault for beating up a guy that was assaulting her boyfriend at the time and by beat up I mean nearly sending him to the hospital with her bare hands. She was actually the one that got me out of many of my victimized trains of thought. In other words a lot of the ideas I have on this subject come from the sharing of ideas I had with a women that I was very intimate with and still have strong feelings for. I now realize much of this is due to the fact that she epitomized that she represented what women should aspire. Someone that is strong in spirit, easy on the eyes, intelligent, and yet doesn't lose her feminine essence. In other words she was Wonder Woman. After having have had her in my life she kind of ruined other women for me.

Now a days all I can do is think about her when I some other dumb broad bitch about why they don't get paid the same as guys while at the same time bitching about why her boyfriend won't take her to a more expensive restaurant with no mention of thinking it might work if she was willing to split the bill. That's because most women think that guys are supposed to pay for a meal. Newsflash ladies, we are only supposed to pay taxes, die, and masturbate to internet porn so that we don't flip our shit and go on a killing spree like Gary Ridgeway. Anything beyond that we do for you is an act of kindness and one that is not really appreciated because you still look for excuses to not put out afterwards and dehumanize they guy when he has a problem with it. It's part of what makes most guys go insane and want to have sex with your best friend or sister.

Now I'm not saying that this train of thought is completely the fault of women. Many men in positions of power throughout history have preached about how women are suppose to be inferior due to biological differences. It's the same reason why many African Americans are prejudice towards white people due to how they were treated by them for the past 400 years. I'm not saying that the prejudice is justified as I feel no prejudice should be justified but at the same time I do understand why and honestly as far as society is concerned they still don't receive the fair shake that all humans deserve regardless of their beginnings. The thing that most people don't understand is that you can't defeat prejudice with prejudice and women should expect to be treated as equals while acting like victims. Yeah, you might have actual been through some very real shit and have every reason to be one but if you do that then you are allowing that aggressor victory over you. Just like how after 9/11 we had jerk off politicians saying that if you don't keep capitalism going then the terrorists win even though the nature of our capitalism is what led to the lives lost that day in the first place for more than anything that those that committed the acts were victims of capitalism and were conditioned to think like victims just like how our nation now does in the wake of it.

This is a train of thought that needs to stop and it's a very simple one. All women need to do to get equal treatment is to stop treating men like their pre-conceived stereotype. Instead of looking at them like aggressors or tyrants start viewing them and treating them as human beings instead. The more you do this the more they will be inclined to do so. That is how you can get respect, by earning it just like anyone has to. Look at Rhonda Rhousey, she is a true beacon for equal treatment of women because she's beautiful, intelligent, friendly, non-judgmental, and can beat most anyone's ass; girl or guy. She breaks barriers instead of wallowing in despair with in them. Look at Texas state senator Wendy Davis who went for 13 hours without so much as a meal or a bathroom break to filibuster and temporarily halt a restrictive piece of anti-abortion legislation from going through the Texas State House. These are just two examples of women using actions instead of words to get the respect of their peers which is what all women and all people should do since like said, respect is earned.

Since I do actually like all women I have come up with some ideas for them to get the respect they desire so much without actually having to ask or beg for it. Anyway here it goes ladies. If you have some sand in your vagina you may want to douche and punch yourself in the cunt before reading:

1. Start learning Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Yea, yea I know. You feel like buying a taser, pepper spray, or carrying a .22 in your purse is all you need. I'm also sure that you think that aerobic kick boxing class is all you need to fight an attacker off and you would be wrong. Most attackers will wait to attack you from a blind spot so that you don't have time to reach into your purse for your weapon and pin you on your back in order to rape you, beating you unconscious if they have to. I know this may sound disturbing but it's a fact. There are people that do not share your moral compass and could care less about the laws. Many will just kill you afterwards and dispose of your body with no guarantee that such an individual will ever face a judge for it. There are thousands of cold cases involving rape and murder unsolved. It's hard to hear but it is a fact. The thing is though they will try to grab and over power you which is what Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu was designed to defend against.

It is a martial art with a focus on ground fighting using position and leverage to put an attacker into a position where large joint locks and chokes can be used to subdue, incapacitate, or kill an attacker if necessary; even if you are pinned down on your back. It gives you control of the situation with the means to end it regardless of strength, size, or body type. There was a story about one woman who trained at a Gracie Jiu Jitsu school in San Francisco whom faced such a situation with an attacker trying to rape her and she subdued him with a technique called a triangle choke and held him their till police arrived despite the fact that she gave up 100lbs to him. She never became a victim or a statistic and it's due to the fact that she didn't want to think like a victim in the first place and trained Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in order to defend herself. I guarantee you that attacker has a lot more respect for her now along with the cops whom arrested him.

2. Stop expecting a date to pay for the entire date.

I know all you ladies what that charming knight in shining armor type that is well mannered. Here's a short list of people that were well mannered and charming throughout history:

-Adolf Hitler
-Joseph Stalin
-Gary Ridgeway (The Green River Killer)
-Jeffrey Dahmer
-Ted Bundy
-Saddam Hussein
-Josef Mengele

Also here's a video (you can skip to the 4 minute mark to get to the main point but the whole thing is worth watching):

For those that don't want to watch it the bottom line is that there are some very malicious individuals out there that are also very charming and know what you want to hear to get what they want. These individuals are called psychopaths and once they know your are gullible and will conform to their will through bribery then they will have no respect for you and manipulate you to their desires. Furthermore when they don't get what they expect, i,e, sex in return for paying for te date and you aren't in the mood they may try to force it anyway in the worst case scenario and in the best case call you all sorts of derogatory terms and what not. Killer or not guys are assholes and some are better at hiding it than others. By splitting the bill there are no false expectations and the ball, i.e. your vagina, is still understood to be in your court plus the guy doesn't have to feel offended in any way shape or form. He'll more than likely respect you for it because you treated him as a human being instead of as a "male". Ladies I know you have emotions and feelings but so do guys and we don't like having them hurt anymore than you do.

3. If you are in a relationship give the man a blow job a few times a week.

Now I know a lot of you think that wrapping your lips around your man's jizz nozzle is demeaning but here are some things that are demeaning to men:

-carrying your purse
-carrying your purse while you try on a pair of shoes at the mall
-buying you tampons
-buying a plan B pill
-buying you drinks at the bar
-letting you get away with demeaning us in public while other guys would get a beer bottle broken over your head for it
-getting mad and having a hissy fit every time we won't let you drive
-you not shutting the fuck up in a conversation so that we can't get a word
-running the vacuum while the game is on
-using the pain of child birth to win an argument
-going down on you
-snooping through our phone calls and text messages
-chewing us out for checking out other women when we are genetically wired to do that

Even though these things are very demeaning to us we put up with them because we actually care about and affection is all about understanding and forgiveness while putting the relationship ahead of ourselves. The least you could do is do your part. Now if you are the type that says you shouldn't have to do that because we're guys and you are a woman then just know we may not keep arguing for the sake of the relationship but do realize that we will zero respect for you no matter what tell you. You just be the "ball and chain" instead of our "life partner". We will make excuses to not hang out with you and hang out with our buddies instead which is our version of saying that "we have a headache" when we are in the mood. That brings me to another point.

4. Stop using a "headache" as an excuse to not have sex.

This is has always been a tried and true cop out to not have sex when you are in the mood. If you are not in the mood to have sex then just say so and tell us why. We can take honesty and rejection. Men becoming monogamous with a women is the very result of a process of trial and error due to rejection. That's we learn. When you lie and pull excuses for why you don't want to have sex with us it denies us of valuable information into how to make you happy and to treat in way that you wish to be treated.

Now I know that some of you actually do get headaches but the truth is it is not an excuse to not have sex. Actually it is more of a reason to since the act of sexual intercourse has been found to release oxytocin in the brain which forms endorphins which relieves and cures headaches. Don't believe me? Here's another video:

Ladies, after watching that video you can either accept the truth or go back to your drawing board to come up with a new line of bullshit to control your man with like a pet.

5. Stop stating an opinion on a subject that you have not done any research on (and religious texts don't count as research).

I know a lot of you ladies have college degrees and that diploma makes you think that you are the next Leonard Susskind when the subject of holographic principle in regards to the information loss paradox on the study of black holes comes up but unless you have actually read up on the subject then you haven't gathered enough information to form an educated opinion on the subject. You whatever you say will be about as valuable as the last thing you queefed. If you want your opinion to be valued then do some fucking research and let it roll around in your head for awhile. If the subject comes up and you don't know anything about then shut the fuck up and listen; you might learn something valuable that you never thought of before to expand your horizons. I know you might not agree with the opinions of others, but unless you actually understand the subject at hand then your opinion means jack shit and we don't care whether we agree or not because your opinion isn't qualified. It's like a kid with a down syndrome trying to take on Kasparov in a game of chess on his first try. A better idea would be to ask questions which I know can be hard for you at times because you love to be the center of attention; it's part of your wiring and we know that. That doesn't it's not annoying as fuck at times. We don't respect people that are annoying; guy or girl.

6. Stop preaching about a man's place

We know where a man's place is. We actually have it categorized. The places we should be are:

A. In between your legs
B. On the couch watching football or watching some shitty romantic comedy if you are sitting next to us.
C. On the grill if you want us to cook
D. Out in yard mowing the lawn.
E. At work

The funny thing is woman are more than happy to talk about a man's place but when talk about theirs all of a sudden it's not politically correct and offensive. Well first off Richard Nixon was politically correct and second being offended is a sign of low intelligence which tells us your place on the IQ scale. So do yourself a favor and realize that a relationship is a two way street.

These are just a few tips to get the equal treatment that you desire and should have. It has to be earned though since nothing is given now matter how hard you want it to be and honestly it doesn't hold any value if it didn't come via some sort of struggle. In closing be a woman, be proud, earn your keep, stand your ground, educate yourself, and don't think like a victim. We want a woman, not a pussy.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Turning Churches into Gay/Bi/Swinger bars...

By Frank Waszut

I have lived in the Bible Belt for the overwhelming majority of my life and living in this environment has led to many of my secular views in regards to society and life in general. Religion is HUGE in the south (The Bible Belt, i.e. South Eastern United States) it is used primarily as crutch for crooked politicians, judges, and cops, to employ their secret cult society called the "Good Ole Boy" system which is basically like La Costra Nostra (The Sicilian Mafia whom also use religion as a crutch). The only difference being that instead of them being fat Sicilian psychopathic jerk offs that are the poster children for bad parenting and heart disease the "Good ole boys" are a bunch wanna-be Andy Griffith jerk offs with coke habits that look to keep their population living in fear with one of their primary weapons of manipulation being religion which in the South is primarily of a Protestant world view. Instead of having a God that is open about how insecure and pissed off like Sicilians do with their Catholicism "Good Ole Boys" have more friendlier God that is friendlier to you as log as you are a white Protestant or kiss a lot of white Protestant ass and give it money.

In the South this has led to an environment where the education system is about as sufficient as a nun instructing a class on the intricacies of blow jobs. South Carolina routinely ranks on the bottom rung of educational rankings in a country that has been on the bottom rung of worldwide education rankings. As a state South Carolina ranks as the least intelligent in a country full of idiots. Not only are they idiots but they are idiots with over inflated egos due to the stroking of a fascist society governed by centralized capital. Religion is a huge part of this egocentric stimulation that keeps people living their lives of illusory pedestals while in reality being nothing more than slaves to a system designed to keep them docile with the illusion of freedom of choice in what to believe. Not what to do, what to believe. That's what separates a democracy from a police state that is merely posing as one. Most feel that this is just the way things are and that they can't be changed. I disagree and I have an idea to change that if I ever get rich but for the sake of this article let's just say I do and I'm talking Rockefeller rich ( minus the whole Nazi eugenics program thing).

My Idea:

1. Buy up all church property

Now I know what you are saying, "Oh but Frank, A church would never sell their property; especially to narcissistic psychopath like yourself." You would think that, especially if you were the God fearing type but remember how I talked about being Rockefeller rich? What I mean by that is that when have that much money you basically for all intents and purposes run the government and it's properties. In other words the government is your property. Churches can go bankrupt and need a bail out too and if I had that kind of money I could easily have lobbyists pass through laws and amendments that would revoke a churches right to not have to pay taxes. Even if they didn't they still need money anyway; why do you think they pass around collection plates and preach about charity? You can plead some sentimental reason but you're wrong. Religion is a business just like anything else and a very lucrative since most people are gullible and want answers to questions that have no answer and no truth. Not an absolute one anyway.

If you are offended and angered by this then you are more than likely a victim of this Ponzi scheme and anger at the messenger is a natural response as a result of reality coming into conflict with cognitive dissonance and opitimism bias. I'm not saying there is no god or some other plane of experience; I'm just saying that I don't and no else does either. Anyone that does is either trying to fool themselves, you, or both. Believe it or not I do like humanity seeing as that it is the best I got. I want to help it free itself along with every individual that makes up the sum it. First it needs to be shocked, especially in the Bible Belt, and if I had the money of the Rockefeller I would have just the money to do it on.

2. Clear out all the religious bullshit

I would get rid of all the crosses, stained glass windows, and anything else that had any religious propaganda. Let's be honest; religion is quite boring, especially their stories of fiction and they only entertain those that are easily entertained which is why their world view doesn't grow beyond the Disney Channel which is great for religious leaders since it makes the job of scaring the shit out of their herds all the easier. Especially when facing their own mortality. In theory this seems like a great idea for controlling the masses except for the fact that the masses were never meant to be controlled. That's what nature is for; to weed out the weak and those that serve no purpose in the survival and liberty of the human species. The funny thing is that the ones that made society the way it is now would be the ones weeded out in a society that was based on the survival of the fittest. That's why so many are opposed to anarchy given that they would be the outcasts instead of the status quo. The funny thing is though once these people start imbibing alcohol the self conscious identity fades away and gives rise to their natural one where they act on their animalistic instincts. That's why the common denominator in most violent and stupid acts tends to be alcohol because most can't handle themselves responsibly in an intoxicated state.

With that said once all of the religious bullshit is cleared out the first thing coming would be alcohol along with bar stools and anything else that makes up the infrastructure of a local drinking establishment. Believe it or not there is precedent for something like this right here in Charleston with a bar called Mad River that is located on Market Street. Yes that's right; a church was turned into a bar in a town called the "Holy City" since it has laws in place that doesn't allow any building to be taller than the churches. You can turn a church into a bar though; that's Charleston for you. However the shock value of just turning a church into a bar is not nearly enough though. I mean they already serve alcohol in church in the form of red wine with communion so when you really think about it alcohol isn't exactly that blasphemous. It actually is still pretty much the same thing albeit more with more debauchery. My idea has way more shock value than that and it would be geared towards a certain clientele. A fun clientele. A clientele that scares the absolute shit out of these religious zealots and makes their parents send them to therapy to "cure" them.

3. The Clientele

Long story short this clientele would consist of those individuals society that are persecuted by a fascist Protestant society out of fear which leads to their conditioned prejudices. Of course I am talking by those that make up the lesbian, gay, bi, and transsexual community along with those in the swinging lifestyle. The funny thing is these people usually have to be pretty open minded, by default, and they always seem to have to be in the closet about their lifestyles even in a society that preaches life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all people despite the fact that the promise is usually only reserved for those that are white Protestants or those that kiss their asses. It's freedom by conformity in reality which as those that of you that are smart enough can figure out makes no sense whatsoever.

Giving people that actually epitomize what freedom is all about, i.e. expressing your inner self to evolve, an establishment to do so in an establishment that was designed to suppress with their tools of suppression would be the ultimate irony and a way of flipping the perceptions of the citizens of our society on its head. Of course they are going to need an appropriate ambience.

4. The Atmosphere

This is my vision for what one of my drinking establishments would look like. As you walked in there would be bouncers wearing pink shirts and tight jeans checking ID's (and they would be paid generously since bouncers don't get paid enough in Charleston). Once they let you in would notices would be the almost gothic atmosphere that is the norm for any house of worship to something that we don't know even exists. There would be luminous glow of torches illuminating then entry way near the hostess stand, if you came in while the kitchen was still open, to seat you or you could just make your way to their bar where you would notice the non stop drag shows and the painting on the ceiling.

Oh yeah let me tell you about the painting on the ceiling. Ever heard of the one on the Sistine Chapel that that has an image of the heavily bearded God pointing at a bunch of humans like he is say, "Y'all are awesome"? Well it would be all over the walls but instead of that it would be an image of the heavily bearded God along with Jesus, Mohammed, and Allah all wearing gimp suits and performing various sex acts on each other with their facial expressions of pleasure displayed in extravagant detail. In the background one would notice Satan and the Fat Buddha laughing their asses while taking "Ass Milk" shots and lets be honest, everyone loves Fat Buddha. For those that are curious there would be ass milk shots available at the bar in the form of warm Bailey's because no matter how much pineapple juice that you drink it won't make one's semen taste as good as that.

Of course there would be strobe lights and disco balls to lighten the atmosphere because we would want the atmosphere to be naughty, not depressing. This would obviously piss off those that take life way too seriously and they would more than likely be highly offended by this which I am sure is making all of you reading this that lead alternative lifestyles grin from ear to ear. Not so fast, just because the goal is to shock the minds of the sheep doesn't mean that we want to offend them solely. In order to treat everyone equally and with that said I would name the bars, "AIDS Carrying Fags 'R' US". If you live an alternative lifestyle and get offended by that then you are missing the entire point.

The Point:

Our society became Fascist during the early twentieth century with the passing of the Federal Reserve Act which took our economy lasseiz-faire style of economy to a centralized one along with the institution of the General Education Board by John D. Rockefeller. This has led to society where free and open ideas which are frowned upon. It needs an overhaul and this would be one of many steps to rectify these mistakes. Either way it would be highly entertaining and I'm sure it would leave plenty of people scratching their heads which is good thing since when you one is scratching their head then they are more than likely thinking with it too and that's a step in the right direction.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Human Delusions

Humanity in its present form has existed for approximately 200,000 years which might seem like a really long time when compared to our individual lifespans but in reality it is a trivial fart in the wind time when compared to the 13.82 Billion years that some "nothing" decided to pull an B-Rabbit from 8-Mile to be "something" which would pave the way for a humungous and expanding kiddie pool  that physicists now call the Higgs Field or Space-Time with shit loads of photons, neutrinos, and other elementary particle shit to began whizzing around in a ever expanding kiddie pool of space-time that wanted to be "big boy" pool of space time. Eventually this kiddie pool figured that it was quite boring and wanted some more shit besides the black shit or quarks, neutrinos, leptons, mesons, bosons, etc. so it used gravity which started all this shit to begin to come together like a galactic Brady Bunch to make more said shit in the forms of stars (kind of like the night lighta for the universe), planets, asteroids, planetoids and comets. There were some awful things like Texas, Ohio, Florida, and Canada that would also eventually come about but that's getting a little ahead of ourselves. First we have to talk about the things that made such monstrosities as those sovereignties possible. First the universe needed life and not just any life but intelligent life that would be more than happy to chase it's own illusory tail which is where our little blue and green ball comes into play except it wasn't blue and green at first; it was fucking molten with volcanoes or planetary equivalent of lava spewing zit. Now this might sound alarming but keep in mind all those volcanoes helped to form an atmosphere that lead to this awesome thing called oxygen. You know? A highly important ingredient for this little thing we call air that makes our lives possible and made it possible for single celled organisms that would eventually evolve into shaved looking apes that we call humans.

Now whether or not some insecure omnipotent being that supposedly hates everyone but White Anglo Saxon Protestant closeted Nazi's created it is irrelevant, or Allah for you towel hat wearing Muhammad nut huggers that come from countries that our political puppets love using drones to bomb the shit out of from time to time. Oh yeah and whatever you Buddhists believe that makes you think a cock roach actually cares if it gets smashed by a porno magazine. What's relevant is understanding how it works and how this proverbial galactic kid from the galactic slum of nothing got so fucking big in the first place;  41.7 Billion years by most estimates and that's just the shit that we can see. Now the really crazy thing is that all that shit we can see and not see is more than likely nothing more than an illusion being projected from a two dimensional plane outside of this space-time big boy pool that is no longer a Toys 'R' Us kid that gives us the illusion of 3 dimensions; and possibly 8 more dimensions according to string theory. In other words we are like those gold fish whom are easily scared when some egocentric toddler decides to tap the glass.

This brings us to homo sapiens or modern day humans. Today most of us think that we are special and on our little blue green ball we are since are the top of the food chain. The first thing that happened was some hairy guy in a cave decided to use some rocks or sticks or some combination of objects to cause friction to create a spark which he caught with some sort of fuel that led to fire which he more than likely did to shut some cave women up that was bitching about the dark or that her food tasted too much like the smell of her unshaved cunt. Fast forward a couple hundred thousand years and now we have guys buying piece of shit dystopian devices like iPhones and cars with built in vacuums to shut their ladies up that now have much nicer smelling cunts thanks to another invention we call soap. They also have beliefs in omnipotent beings that like to make us suffer yet love us while needing money, aliens that were so special that they decided to inseminate themselves into us, multiple gods that do the teamwork of all the omnipotent shit, and of course those who are honest with themselves and admit they don't know or those that are angry and say there is nothing.

This illustrates two very important facts about homo sapiens:

1. They are very good at figuring shit out and making never before seen shit from scratch.

Here is a list of things that we have figured out how to make from scratch:

- metallic boxes that irradiate food in order to heat it without having to make fire

-metallic boxes that uses soaps and softeners to make it so that our clothes don't smell like 5 week old rancid fried chicken

-the wheel

-metallic boxes with wheels that are propelled by a constant explosion as well as electricity.

-really big metallic boxes that use highly concentrated yet relatively stable chemicals that can shoot said metallic boxes into orbit around our blue green ball and other objects into the orbit of other rocky and gaseous balls that we call planets and moons that send us back photos that give physics geeks massive erections at the thought of possibly seeing a glimpses of a hot alien with three sets of tits nude sun bathing on Europa

-devices that allow us to talk over long distances and download videos a coeds taking multiple Mandingo cocks in her freshly scented cunt and poop shoot with the hopes of being the next girl to collect child support from Ray Lewis

-pieces a latex that can be wrapped around said cocks so that in 2-20 days later they won't having oozing sores around their cunts that feel like the fires of Hades.

-devices that blast music so that Taylor Swift can bitch about how she can't find a decent guy even though most guys don't like women that are ape shit psycho while not being skilled enough in bed to justify it.

-books to keep records of our thoughts, opinions, actions, ideas, fairy tales, scientific and mathematical theories, and pictures of naked chicks.

-making elongated phalanx shaped pieces of meat with shit loads of salt and animal parts that most don't want to think about while ingesting

-open seated chairs filled with water that we fill with the digested unused waste from said elongated pieces of butchered animal carcass into before pushing a lever that sends the sewage into other pipes that eventually gets to a sewer and eventually a sewage treatment plant that filters out the sewage while purifying the water so that we can drink it again while not having to worry about intestinal worms.

2. They are also very good at believing in illusions and thinking such illusions are real.

Here are some things created from us believing in illusions and thinking they are real or that even reality is real:

-Organized Religion


-our education system (at least in the United States and Nazi Germany, they really can be interchangeable at times)

-comic books (even though Stan Lee at least doesn't try to hide the fact that it is fiction and a metaphor for human and sentient nature)

-Religious texts

-any history class taught in grade school

-corporate advertising




-brand name apparel

-video games

-pro (fake) wrestling (even though those guys do take a shit load of punishment through their choreographed ass whoopings)

-the Westboro Baptist Church



-Norse Mythology

-Greek Mythology

-The Ancient Persian Empire

-the careers of pop stars...






-the national debt

-that a country with a centralized banking system can be a democracy.



-Dane Cook

-that a women having a headache is an excuse to not have sex.

-the belief that John F. Kennedy was killed by a magic bullet

-Miracle Bras

-that hooking up with a girl is as simple as dropping a pick up line and buying her a drink (it actually is simple but it's in the form of listening to her and asking questions that makes her talk about herself because women love to do that)

I can go on and on but it should become evident that a lot of stupid shit is born out of our gullibility towards illusions; kind of like a moth to a flame fueled by stupidity. As I live in the south I run into stupid people that eat up such illusory sugar coated bullshit like it's Skittles. Speaking of which that brings me to a situation recently where illusion met reality (or as Albert Einstein called it "the stubbornly persistent illusion"). This situation happened in an abysmal mosquito infested monstrosity I spoke of earlier called the state of Florida. There was a very delusional man that was part of a neighborhood watch program by the name of George Zimmerman. He saw a 17 year old African American male by the name of Trayvon Martin who was wearing a hoodie on a rainy night. As every knows, the cliff notes version of the story is that there was a struggle, Zimmerman pulled out a gun and shot Martin dead. Let's break down the illusions compared to the realities shall we?

1. Upon Zimmerman noticing Martin in the community where this all took place:

The illusion: "That's a black guy in my neighbor hood with a hoodie. He must be up to no good and is highly suspicious."

The reality:  A lot of people wear hoodies. Especially when it's raining out. Especially when it's raining out in February even in Florida even though it is a sub tropical climate. That's the entire point of the hoodie; protection from the elements. Yes the media constantly used photos of Martin taken years prior that made him look like Uncle Tom's boy next door and at the time he had gold teeth and tattoo's that made it look like he listened to Lil' Wayne too much but that in itself does not mount as probable cause for suspicion. Probable cause would have been if Martin was peeping into windows which would could reasonably be construed as him "casing" a property or breaking a window to gain entry to a residence. This brings me to number two.

2. Martin being in that neighborhood

The illusion held by most Protestant white people: "Martin had no business being in that neighborhood and Zimmerman had every right to follow him."

The Reality: Martin had plenty of business being in that neighborhood considering that the fiancĂ© of his father lived there and as well as the fact that Martin lived with her. Martin was walking home which to most white people will see as suspicious if you are black, have gold teeth, and wear a hoodie. Also if black people that are in the tea party "Uncle Toms" will as well because they hate being black and would join the KKK if they could. Let that be a note to anyone that listens to hip hop; yes Lil' Wayne got famous for having a few decent songs. Not for looking like something that Flava Flav shot out of his dick and let a tattoo artist raise next to a liquor store and a whore house. You might think it's cool and edgy but it will make white people and people that kiss a lot of white ass think that your presence is a crime in progress. I'm not saying to stop doing it, I'm just saying most people are stupid and don't "get it" even if you do.

3. On Zimmerman following Martin even after a police dispatcher told him not to.

The illusion: "Zimmerman had every right to follow Martin."
The reality: "Since you read earlier that simply walking in a neighborhood that you live in while wearing a hoodie is not itself probably cause for suspicion then it means that Zimmerman had no reason to follow Martin other his own innate prejudices. When you follow someone without a justifiable reason just because you feel like it there is a legal term for it. It is called "stalking" and even cops are supposed to follow that even though a lot of times they call it "checking someone out". I had a cop "check me out" years ago as I was driving home from working security at a downtown Charleston bar. The cop followed me all the way to the house that I lived at, pulled up in front of the property as I pulled into drive way, got out of his car, walked onto the property, started asking me about my business, and I kindly told him to fuck off which he did since he had no legal recourse but to since he realized he was dealing with someone that knew the law better than he did and that was a cop. Zimmerman wasn't and even if he did he would have been breaking protocol. If you don't believe me try following a cop with no reason to and see what happens.

4. On Zimmerman shooting Martin.

The illusion: "Zimmerman shot Martin self defense."

The reality: Self defense is a very tricky thing but it usually boils down to who commits the first threatening act. In this case the first threatening act was Zimmerman following Martin. The reason why most white people don't see it this way is because they aren't black. Like it or not being born white in this country, especially from a Protestant family, leads to a lot of privileges in regards to legal matters that others do not get unless they excel in something mainstream such as athletic or entertainment industries. However, a new burgeoning trend is that you can earn such privileges by kissing a lot of white Protestant ass since lynching has kind of fallen out style and this is the only way that Protestants can still keep some control of the masses. Just think of it as an "Uncle Toms get out of Jail Free" card. That is how Zimmerman was able to get off even though he was half Peruvian and Half German. I wonder which side was the one that thought Martin was suspicious.

5. On the verdict

The illusion: "Justice was served."

The reality: "Zimmerman was acquitted in the State of Florida whose government is about as intellectually capable as a Jessica Simpson giving a lecture on the importance of a 5 sigma level of assurance on the existence of the Higgs Boson. All the verdict proved was how incompetent Florida's legal system and how much it leans towards a Protestant world view. Remember the 2000 presidential election?

6. The stand your ground law.

The illusion (according to Wikipedia): "A stand-your-ground law is a type of self-defense law that gives individuals the right to use deadly force to defend themselves without any requirement to evade or retreat from a dangerous situation. It is law in certain jurisdictions within the United States. The basis may lie in either statutory law and or common law precedents. One key distinction is whether the concept only applies to defending a home or vehicle, or whether it applies to all lawfully occupied locations. Under these legal concepts, a person is justified in using deadly force in certain situations and the "stand your ground" law would be a defense or immunity to criminal charges and civil suit. The difference between immunity and a defense is that an immunity bars suit, charges, detention and arrest. A defense, including an affirmative defense, is a fact or set of facts that may avoid or mitigate the adverse legal consequences of the defendant's otherwise unlawful conduct."

The reality: Did you notice where it said evade or retreat? Did you notice how it said nothing about having a right to pursue? What that means is that if someone is attacks you then you then you don't have to run for the hills. You can stand your ground. It doesn't say anything about pursuing someone to initiate an altercation and using a gun you have tucked in the back of your pants when things don't go your way. The reason that Zimmerman got off is because perception is everything and in the state of Florida Zimmerman looked like a fine up standing citizen while Martin fit the profile of a thug.

This brings me to a more honest translation of what stand your ground means:

If you are a white protestant or kiss a lot of white protestant ass then you can stand your ground for any reason that seems plausible and if you are not or don't then you have no ground to stand on.

With that all said we can see how belief in illusions can lead to a lot of bullshit that hold us back as a species. Now don't get me wrong, at the deepest level of our understanding of reality it is a pretty common consensus amongst theoretical physicists and mathematicians that our reality is an illusion that we all share. The problem is we decide to keep deluding ourselves because it's easier to live a happy go lucky fantasy where some knight in shining armor saves the day which leads to lousy sex since damsels in  distress tend to suck in bed. That's probably why there hasn't been a sex tape released of Taylor Swift because no one would be sure if it was her or an anorexic mannequin fitted with a flesh light.

People can start rectifying this by first realizing that they live in an illusion and that they have more than likely been lied to their whole life because their parents were lied to their whole life and so were there parents and so forth. That's the one thing humanity has been consistent with since it's existence, besides killing each other in more and more creative ways. We do come up with some great ideas but since we like to delude ourselves and get scared like dumb little cunts we figure out ways to turn them into instruments of malice since some other delusional asshole might do it first. It's also why grade schools delude us about US History. They tell us all the things that puts our government in a good light and neglect the things that put us in a bad light (i.e. Operation: Northwoods, The Tuskegee Experiment, The Business Plot, How the Bush family made their fortune, The Rockefellers helping the Nazi's design their Eugenics Program from the ground up, etc.). They want us to believe the delusion too since they get paid by the same people that pay the government and full disclosure would be bad for business.

In other words people need to start doing research and begin to educate themselves instead of having assholes with their own agendas tell them what they want them to know. It's not that hard and really only requires an internet connection and a website with a search function.